SEO for Wedding Professionals

Are you a wedding vendor who wants to show up on Google? Search Engine Optimization

is what you require for a healthy and growing wedding business. Here are some ways

for how you can create a website that will attract your targeted clients.


Looking to get your upcoming or current Wedding Business website ranked highly in Google?

SEO for wedding pros- Writefully Yours has the expertise you need for your digital marketing campaign.

The first thing that's important is the content of your website 

We will work together to post information that is easy to read and easy for search engines to understand.  Using headlines that capture the attention of visitors, bold text for key points a bride would want to see and put the most important information on the top of your pages.  Making sure that we use relevant keywords in the content so that search engines can easily find it so your new clients find YOU!

Make sure each page is optimized for any keywords you target

For SEO purposes, each page of your website should include the keywords you're targeting in your SEO campaign. Add SEO-friendly images, videos, and links to other websites in blog posts or pages on your site that act as a reference point. For example, if you have a wedding photography business then write about all the different types of cameras you use. If you're a florist, write about various flower types with images that are SEO-friendly for your wedding business and include SEO-friendly links to other sites such as DIY tutorials on how to make wedding bouquets.

Create a link-building campaign!

 Links from other websites will increase your SEO and can lead to more visitors.  You can keep track of how many links there are going into your website by using an SEO tool like Google Analytics.

Wedding SEO

I’ll help you create meta titles for all these pages/articles

Meta titles should be SEO-friendly & use relevant keywords that will attract your targeted traffic. This is what people see right away when they are looking for something relevant to your keywords.

A well-organized and easy-to-navigate site that is SEO-friendly 

If visitors have a hard time navigating the site to find what they need, search engines like Google will also be slow to crawl through it. So if you can't keep visitors happy, you won't rank well at all.

cleanliness is essential for a fast-loading site

Not only should visitors be able to read your text easily, but they also need to be able to see it. Make sure your text isn't too dark or light, and that graphics aren't too large.  By keeping the loading time to a minimum, visitors will stay on your site longer and you'll get more page views which increase rankings.



Metadata is an SEO tool that should not be overlooked 

There should be some unique descriptions within the content of these articles that mentions the target keyword(s) a few times, as well as it being in the meta title and URL. By using this method you will already show up in Google and other search engine result pages (SERPs) because you are using their designated format.

Make a list of features and benefits for your wedding vendor services

Highlight key facts. Create a short, concise summary that will appeal to potential customers who aren't sure if they need what you provide.

Avoid making your articles appear spammy or keyword-stuffed by following best practices that keep users interested, while also keeping search engines interested. Include keywords in your headlines, subheadings, and the first few sentences of content.

Create a Social Media Page

Link to your social media pages and make them prominent on your wedding vendor website, so that people can find you at any time. A Facebook profile alone is one of the best ways to get more traffic from search engines into your site. By linking out through Twitter, Flickr, Google+ Pinterest, or Instagram, your wedding vendor site will be more easily accessed by new potential clients.

Wedding SEO

Complete your Google My Business listing

This will give you Search Engine Optimization points as it's a local SEO service. Use the keyword in the URL - This should be your company name but if that doesn't work add some kind of variation to it like an abbreviation or a range of letters and numbers.

Write SEO-optimized blog posts each month

Experts will often tell bloggers to write SEO-optimized blog posts, with the important SEO phrases in their text and links to other SEO-enhanced content on their site.

Over time, search engines will see your wedding vendor site as an authority in its niche. This will increase the number of visitors you receive from organic SEO efforts and highly targeted traffic that's relevant to what you offer.

Creating new pages for your wedding vendor website is necessary, but without updating its existing pages—and sometimes adding more pages—you're not going to be the SEO success you could be.


Search engines rank sites based on how many links point back to them

You want people linking to your pages because it means that your content is valuable to them. Encourage the development of relevant resource pages for each topic on your site. For example, if people want information about wedding invitations they can create their own page on wedding invitations or include links to pages you've already created. You can also ask your customers and clients to provide reviews on websites like Wedding Wire, The Knot, and Yelp.

Search engines don't like it when all the traffic comes from one site 

You want people searching for things that you offer.  One way to do this is by using keywords in your domain name. For example, if people want information about invitations then a search for "wedding invitation sites" will list you on the first page.

Make sure that your site is mobile-friendly 

More and more people are doing searches from their smartphones. The wedding professionals who rank well on Google have both a phone-friendly version of their site as well as a tablet version.

Wedding SEO

Use your primary wedding business keyword on the homepage

Create SEO-friendly content and links to your website. Use words that relate to your wedding vendor services, such as "wedding venue." If you're a florist, write about types of flowers or flower color schemes that are popular during the specific season. That way, your SEO efforts will be more natural - and Google won't flag your website for using spammy search engine optimization tactics.

Use SEO-friendly images on each page of content

High-quality relevant photos are an SEO-friendly way to attract traffic to your wedding vendor website. Make sure that each image on the page is SEO-friendly by including text in the image. Images including text or relevant information are likely to show up on search results.

Wedding SEO