6 Daily Necessary Actions On Social Media When You're A Wedding Vendor

Get listed and linked on (local) wedding-related blog(s) and/or directories.

There are many great wedding-related blogs and directories online that can help you get more visibility for your business. Here are a few to get you started:

  • The Knot - This popular wedding website has an extensive list of wedding-related blogs and directories.

  • Bridezilla - This directory is specifically for wedding vendors, and is a great way to get your business in front of potential clients.

  • Weddit - This online community is dedicated to helping couples plan their weddings, and includes a comprehensive list of wedding-related resources.

  • Wedding Wire - This popular wedding planning website has an extensive directory of wedding-related businesses.

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Create your own profile page on wedding-related social media sites

As a wedding vendor, it's important to have a presence on the major social media sites where brides and grooms are active. This includes sites like Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook.

When you set up your profile page on these sites, be sure to include the following information:

- Your business name and description

- A link to your website

- Photos of your work (including before/after shots)

- Links to any online reviews or testimonials you've received

Join wedding-related discussion forums and groups

There are a number of online forums and groups where brides and grooms congregate to discuss their wedding planning experiences. Joining these groups is a great way to connect with potential clients, and to learn more about what they're looking for in a wedding vendor.

Keep the business account active, up to date with current offerings and testimonials from past clients

An inactive business account is often an overlooked one, so try to keep your business page active with the latest services you offer, new photos of work you've done, testimonials from past clients, and any other relevant information for your target market.

Respond to every single question that a bride (or groom) posts on social media (in a timely manner - no more than 2 minutes)

Today's bride needs instant responses from her vendors. If she posts a question online and you don't reply with an answer in under two minutes, she will assume you are ignoring her and move on to the next option. Engage with potential clients who have Liked or Followed your business on social media.

If you're not actively trying to attract new leads through social media, you're likely losing out on a lot of business. Make sure to engage with anyone who has shown an interest in your company by "Liking" or "Following" you.

To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.
— David Viscott
Social Media Marketing Coash

Use hashtags related to weddings whenever possible in your posts and tweets

This is another great way to attract new clients through social media. When you can, use hashtags related to weddings in your posts and tweets - for example:

  • #weddinghair

  • #weddingshoes

  • #bridaljewelry

Join local wedding expos or bridal shows to meet potential clients face-to-face (for tips on how to do this, check out the article below)

Because of their exposure to thousands of potential clients, wedding expos and bridal shows are great places for you to connect with the people who matter most - current and future brides.

Follow other wedding-related businesses, individuals, and organizations on social media sites for potential leads and collaborations.

When you follow other businesses, individuals, and organizations that are related to weddings, you open yourself up to new opportunities for leads and collaborations. For example, if you're a wedding photographer and you follow a wedding planner on Instagram, there's a good chance that the planner will share your photos with their clients.


The wedding industry is more competitive than ever, but it's still one of the most popular ways to go into a small business. By using the strategies outlined above on your daily social media activities, you can attract plenty of new clients and become a recognized authority within your local wedding community.

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Social MediaHannah Bargas